Me and my friends spent good days at Lake Warali in Baja.
Nowadays you have to use barbless hooks here. "They said" that the fish suffers less damage and gets bigger chance to escape.
Despite the barbless hooks we hadn't gave them more chance...
Here some:
I was glad when I caught the first 1,5kg weight carp. Yeah, it's my first fish in this year, I thought, but I was very happy when afternoon I saw that a fish carefully bites. I decided to wait more, a bit later I struck and realized it stuck, I pulled hardly and slowly came. Yeah a big fish. Slowly I pulled it out, we measured 7kg. Some minutes later (half an hour) came the next fish, It had 5,2kg weight.
My friends have good day too, they caught lot of small carps and a bigger one (9,3kg).
There was no sunshine, no ice on water, I tried to take some interesting photos.
5 kg carp
My friend won our personal competition, he caught the most fish, carps and breams.
I caught only 3 carps, the second was the biggest, it had 12,5kg weight. This is my biggest fish I have caught ever until now.
It was a wonderful experience to catch and release this beautiful big fish.
I caught small carps and a bigger one. It was about 2,5kg. That day before I decided that time to go home, I took out one of my fishing pole and changed to float fishing and I attached one seed of sweet corn to the hook. I started to make up my accessories, suddenly the float disappeared. Finally I caught a carp with 3.8kg weight.
We caught a crucian, small carps and a bigger one. My biggest one had 3.5kg weight.
We caught small carps and two bigger ones. My friend get one with 3.5kg weight, and I caught a 4kg one. This is my biggest fish until now
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River fishing is an interesting way to catch fishes in a flowing water...
Me and my friends spent good days at Lake Warali in Baja.
I tried different Lake, they say there are big fishes. Every time I had fished here I caught 4+ carps too.
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